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Identifying fake Dyson technology and websites

Here you can find guidance and support if you suspect that you’ve encountered a fake Dyson website or fake Dyson technology.

Guidance and support

Fake vendors are ripping off technology that can take years to develop and rigorously test. At Dyson we’re aware that there are counterfeit versions of a small number of our machines. They haven’t been tested to Dyson’s usual high safety standards, so they may not be safe to use. There are also fake websites posing as genuine Dyson sites. Dyson has a zero-tolerance approach to fakes and anyone who mimics Dyson, but it can take time for us to identify and tackle them, so please be alert.

I’ve received a Dyson machine and suspect it’s fake. What do I do?

The best way to ensure you’ve bought genuine Dyson technology is to check that you purchased it from an official Dyson website, one of our official Dyson Demo stores, or an authorised retail partner. If you’re unsure the machine you’ve received is genuine Dyson technology, please contact the Dyson Customer Care team, who will be able to provide guidance. If you believe you’ve received a fake machine that hasn’t come from Dyson, then unfortunately we’re unable to service it or provide you with a refund or exchange. We encourage you to request a refund from the supplier, the payment provider (such as PayPal), or your credit card company. Dyson may be able to help you by providing a letter confirming the machine is fake, or that the website you purchased from is not an official Dyson website. If this would be helpful, please get in touch with us.

I’ve seen a website or advert selling discounted Dyson machines. Is it genuine?

We’re aware of a number of fake websites which are posing as genuine Dyson websites and offering Dyson technology, often at discounted prices. These websites may deliver a fake or different machine, or fail to deliver anything at all. We can’t authenticate Dyson technology or a website before you buy. To avoid disappointment please buy directly through As with all online shopping it’s important to exercise caution and only to purchase goods from trusted, secure websites. Checking that the URL of the webpage is is a good starting point. For further support or advice please contact the Dyson Customer Care team.

Fake websites are typically promoted through adverts on social media such as Instagram or Facebook. These fake adverts and sponsored posts will typically use genuine Dyson images or videos to trick customers into believing that they’re authentic, and may offer a significant discount. Often they’ll include a link directly to a fake website. Official Dyson adverts on social media will redirect you to, allowing you to buy Dyson technology through an official website.

What’s Dyson doing about counterfeit technology and websites?

As a global technology company, Dyson is committed to developing high-performing, high-quality and reliable machines, and providing consumers with a simple and secure experience when shopping online. Dyson has programmes in place to identify and remove fake websites and advertisements for fake machines, and it takes robust action against anyone found to be selling fake machines.